I am Amir-Hossein, a Computer Science PhD student at the University of Maryland. I work with Perception and Robotics Group under supervision of Prof. Yiannis Aloimonos and Dr. Cornelia Fermüller.
My research focus is at the intersection of Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning and Robotics which includes (1) perception for robotics, (2) state estimation and control, (3) sim2real transfer.
PhD in Computer Science, Spring 2022 - Present
University of Maryland College-Park
BSc in Computer Engineering, 2016 - 2020
Sharif University of Technology
AcTExplore relies solely on tactile sensation to automatically explore and navigate objects when traditional visual cues fade away. We have trained it on primitive objects(cube, sphere), enhancing its proficiency in fundamental movements and enabling exploration across a diverse range of objects. Through sufficient exploration, our algorithm incrementally collects tactile data and reconstructs 3D shapes of the objects as well, which can serve as a representation for higher-level downstream tasks.